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Writer Coaching


Writers, engineers, designers, physicists… At first glance these seemingly disparate groups have little in common. But, having worked in both the creative and STEMM fields over the past 15 years, I have experienced the parallels in their processes, challenges and the way they achieve success. Artists and scientists have more in common than you’d think.

As a Gallup-certified Strengths coach, I coach solo creatives who wish to leverage their Strengths to develop thriving artistic practices while balancing these with everyday commitments. I also help organisations improve employee engagement and performance outcomes by creating a Strengths-based culture that leverages individuals’ natural talents.


Blocked? Burned out? Struggling to balance your creative practice with your family and day job? Wanting to transition to full time artist/author/entrepreneur but hitting a wall?

By understanding your natural Strengths and leaning into them, you can discover what it is that makes you brilliant and then apply that to your creative process, marketing, business development, and even your relationships. This is not one-size-fits all advice; it’s specifically tailored to your natural talents.

Aligning your goals, activities and talents can lead to less time creatively blocked, higher productivity and help you avoid the burnout that so often comes when operating in creative industries.


Intellection | Relator | Learner | Individualization | Input | Ideation | Futuristic | Adaptability | Significance | Competition | Empathy | Self-Assurance | Developer | Restorative


A one-on-one coaching session can take many formats. Some of the things we can cover in our sessions include:

  • Targeted Strengths development. Actively improve a Strength.
  • Burnout recovery. Understand what got you here and how to use your Strengths to get out. 
  • Creative process troubleshooting. Stuck? Having trouble with your process? Let me help you with that. 
  • Career alignment. Understand how to lean into your Strengths for a career strategy that fits you.
  • Brainstorming session. I’m a #7 Ideation. It’s my favorite thing to do. We can brainstorm your art or your business.
  • Marketing coaching: strategy development and implementation.
  • Email automation development: welcome sequences, reengagement automations etc.
  • Creative business chat. Sometimes you just need someone who gets it that you can talk to without the pressure of having to reciprocate!

Coaching one-on-one coaching starts at $150 AUD for single sessions or five sessions for $600 AUD. Group coaching starts at $40 AUD.

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Are you hosting a conference and want to include a Strengths workshop to help your attendees understand how to use their Strengths to improve their performance at work and to focus one what truly makes them energised and happy outside of work? Half day and full day workshops available. These include Clifton Strength codes so that attendees can take the test prior to the workshop so they can get the most out of it.

I also provide writing workshops to help authors use their Strengths to get unstuck, overcome burnout, and refine their writing process. Workshops include:

  • Taking off the pants: Writing as an intuitive author
  • Strengths for authors: The intersection of process and personality
  • Harnessing your competitive nature to win at publishing
  • Writer’s block? How to get unstuck in your manuscript
  • Burnout: How Strength put you there and how you can get out


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Partnership coaching is designed to improve any kind of partnership, be that professional or personal. Gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your partner as you come to know both of your Strengths and how your differing Strengths might cause points of brilliance and of conflict.

Partnership coaching typically includes one-on-one coaching with each of you to help you understand your own Strengths, and then joint coaching sessions to help you understand each other’s Strengths.

Pricing varies depending on the number of sessions required but starts at $450 for three sessions.

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I have some availability to coach at writing retreats in Australia and New Zealand. Retreat coaching usually includes a morning workshop on Strengths for authors followed by one-on-one coaching for all attendees. A second workshop on writer’s block or burnout can be included, as can group coaching sessions.

Pricing is dependent on the length of the retreat, the number of attendees, and the desired structure.

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Creating a culture where people want to work, feel fulfilled and can realize their full potential doesn’t happen by accident. High performing organisations start with the right culture, and the right culture starts with CliftonStrengths.

Organizations with strengths-based cultures succeed because they engage their employees, select managers who coach their employees to bring their best selves to work, and provide an exceptional employee experience.

It’s not surprising that organizations with strengths-based cultures experience higher employee engagement, retention, productivity and performance. Because when you get the best out of your people, you get the best out of your business.